It’s been a little over a month since the film was completed, but there have been many loose ends to tie up. At the top of the to-do list were some changes to the website.
In addition to some minor tweaks, the trailer has been added, as well as a gallery, which contains the official poster, desktop wallpapers and production stills. I have also added a credits page, where you can see a list of all the people who made this film possible.
Plans for the Cast and Crew Screening are well underway, with the guest list currently being finalised. It will be nice to finally show the finished film to an audience and get closure for all who worked on it. If you’ve been invited but haven’t let me know if you’re attending, please do so now.
In some more exciting news, a well-known industry magazine has contacted me about doing a feature article on “Gus”! It is yet to be confirmed, but you will be the first to know if/when it is, and which issue to look out for.
Until next time... keep creating!